Step into the enchanting world of Disney’s most beloved princess with our exquisite Belle Figurine, a masterpiece meticulously hand-modelled by Valerie Annand. Renowned as The English Ladies Co’s best-selling princess figurine, Belle comes to life with captivating movement and delicate details in her beautiful yellow ball gown.
Master Painter Dan Smith has adorned this figurine with intricate 22ct gold and Mother of Pearl lustre, adding a touch of regal elegance. In Belle’s graceful hands, she holds a hand-modelled rose, beautifully reflected in the gown’s exquisite decoration. Elevate your collection with the matching bone china collector teacup and saucer, handcrafted and decorated, featuring real 22ct gold detailing. Immerse yourself in the beauty and sophistication of Belle, a timeless treasure for Disney enthusiasts and collectors alike.
- Hand-made and hand-decorated
- Fine bone china
- 22ct Gold detail
- Elegant gift packaging
- Certificate of Authenticity
- Part of the Dinsey Princess Collection