Embark on a magical journey into the world of Disney with our enchanting Cinderella Figurine. Standing at 22cm, this bone china masterpiece is meticulously handmade and hand-decorated by master craftsmen, showcasing real platinum embellishment and Mother of Pearl lustre.
Renowned sculptor Valerie Annand and Master Painter Dan Smith have brought Cinderella to life with exquisite detail. The figurine captures iconic highlights from the beloved film, including the clock chiming midnight, the glass slipper, and the enchanting carriage, all delicately portrayed on Cinderella’s elegant blue gown. Elevate your Disney Princess collection with this timeless piece that encapsulates the essence of Cinderella’s magical tale.
- Hand-made and hand-decorated
- Fine bone china
- Real Mother of Pearl and Platinum detail
- Elegant gift packaging
- Certificate of Authenticity
- Part of the Dinsey Princess Collection